Monday, November 9, 2009

Maturity… Explanation

Some questions are way too simple, yet to answer them remains a very hard task. Here is some food for thought. Someone recently asked me, “What is maturity?” Simple question… eh? It took me nearly couple of minutes to even attempt giving an answer. I gave a semi-humorous answer, “maturity is maturity… the mature know it and never ask about it and the immature never attain it and keep asking about it” Well, that was a cunning way to escape.

Later, I thought and thought, finally to come up with a lucid explanation of the term maturity.

When we were kids, we wanted everything that people known and unknown to us owned. Later came the time, when we wanted only some things which our classmates possessed. As enough time went by, we at this stage, in early college life, wanted only those things which our selected friends had or desired for. Beyond this phase came the phase, in which you asked yourself, questions like. WHAT I REALLY WANT? WHY DO I WANT THIS?

Some people who successfully answered these questions, I classify them as matured people and the others, who have no answers to these questions and are continuing to participate in a blindfolded run even today, I hope they attain maturity, sometimes soon.

For me knowing, what you want, why you want it and in addition to that, how you get there, are the early signs of maturity.


Mansee said...

So true..!

Vijay Nadadur said...

Thx Mansee

Vijay Nadadur said...

Another wonderful perspective which was suggested by none other than my hero, my dad, after reading this one was. As far as knowing what you want, it is equally important to live happily with what ever you get, rather than complaining!

Sutapa Dey said...

hmmmmmmm............ so the blog details are summed up in the initial lines itself that "the mature know it and never ask about it and the immature never attain it and keep asking about it" ..... :)
WONDERFUL ANSWER!!!! ..... I hope u did not get beaten up by the poor guy(or gal) who had the misfortune of asking you such questions!!!

Vijay Nadadur said...

Hey Sutapa,

I would like to maintain anonymity of the person who asked me that question! But hope, you liked my actual explanation!