Before I write any further let me explain the term ‘my generation’. It would have been great to be born in the 70’s when the hippie movement was at its peak, music all over the world was at its best and a new wave of hope sweeping a newly formed nation. Alas that didn’t happen and I belong to that generation which lost its innocence around mid-to-late-90’s.Like every generation, my generation too can be identified with some of the peculiarities. Of course I do not wish to stereotype every individual with the ongoing trends.
Looking back I feel we got exposure a little later than what we should ideally have. Probably most people feel this way, looking back. I was hinting at cell phones and internet. Whether that’s good or bad is left to an individual to decide. The two main issues I would like to write on are seen in dime-a-dozen.
1) Failed Relationships
2) Excessive use of Social Networking sites
Failed relationships cannot be classified as a problem with my generation alone. This problem has existed perpetually and would continue to exist. The reason I opted to highlight this was because of the current age group of people in my generation. Hell, those heartbreaks, arguments, negotiations and compromises. Most of us are overboard with these bitter facts of life. Not too long ago, did we imagine undergoing such experiences. The current teenagers would probably be better off at facing such situations. They simply have more exposure at the right age and better understanding as well. Times and situations change so quickly in developing countries that a decade’s gap brings in the whole element of generation gap.
If you have seen the movie ‘The Social Network’ you would realize the basis on which facebook was found. My generation loves to document every emotion in their life, every action they took and every wish they have, at that moment. This has only made it worse to build and sustain new relationships as people are realizing the six degrees of separation theory isn’t a fragment of imagination. In that case it wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to predict your nature, your past and your present just by spying on your social networking presence. To make situations less embarrassing, deleting a particular post, deleting a particular person from your list of friends, and other clean up measures, is what the pundits recommend. Is it all really worth or is avoiding social networking sites a silver bullet?
As they say, there exists a problem, only if there exists a solution. Though I’m not a master in this topic and can be counted among those struggling ones, I feel that being responsible would help us make things more resolved. If you already know that your deeds are going to be visible to the world, wouldn’t it make more sense to be cautious. Prevent and prepare would be a bigger guru-mantra than repent and repair.